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  • Should You Clean Items After Retrieving from Storage Unit

    When you retrieve your items from a storage unit, the first thing that comes to your mind is how glad you are to have them back in your possession. However, it is imperative to note that these stored items may not be in the same state you left them. Over time, they may have accrued dirt and dust, or even developed mold and mildew. So, the question on everyone’s minds is, should you clean your items after retrieving them from a storage unit? In this post, we will explore the possibilities and offer useful tips on how to clean your storage items.

    Cleaning Your Items Helps Preserve Quality

    The answer is a resounding YES! Cleaning your items after they have been in storage is an essential step towards preserving their longevity and cleanliness. Even if the items were in properly sealed and protected containers, it is always best to give them a thorough wipe. You never know what kind of bacteria and germs may have accumulated on them, especially if they have been in storage for extended periods.

    How Should You Clean Items?

    When cleaning your items, it is important to use the appropriate cleaning method for each item. For example, if you are cleaning clothes, it is recommended that you wash them before storing them back in your closet. Wipe furniture with a damp cloth and dust off hard surfaces like metal and plastic with a soft microfiber cloth. For wood and leather items, use specialized leather cleaners and wood oils to prevent them from drying out or cracking.

    Prevent Mold and Mildew

    Another important reason to clean your items is to prevent the spread of mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in damp and warm environments, which is why it is important to ensure your stored items are clean and dry before storing them. If you notice any signs of mold or mildew on your items, it is crucial to address the problem immediately before storing them away.


    Take Inventory

    Aside from preventing mold and mildew, cleaning your stored items can help you keep track of your belongings. When you retrieve items from storage, they may be covered in dust or in a disorganized state. By cleaning them, you are taking stock of what you own and where everything is. You may even discover some items that you thought were lost or forgotten!

    Pouch Self Storage

    By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your stored items are in pristine condition for whenever you need them next. Pouch Self Storage makes it easy to store your items with peace of mind. Whether you have seasonal decorations, excess furniture, or important documents, Pouch Self Storage provides the perfect place to keep them safe and easily accessible. Plus, with 24/7 surveillance and climate-controlled units, you can be sure your possessions are in good hands. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a clutter-free home or office with Pouch Self Storage. Contact us today to learn how to get started!